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384 Baker St Nelson BC V1L 4H5
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We offer various Wellness Disciplines

We are proud to offer a wide range of comprehensive services to meet the needs of adults, seniors, and pediatric patients. Our team of professional caregivers specialize in providing personalized care, rehabilitative therapy and companion assistance.

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About Us


Our team of highly trained professionals uses the latest healing technologies to restore you to pain-free health, quickly and easily. We thoroughly evaluate & treat all of the contributing root factors related to your issue.

This includes, but is not limited to, your work and home stressors, overall body condition, nutrition, genetic & postural habits, emotional connections and patterns that are held in your muscles.


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    Our Advantages

    Personalized Treatment
    You will receive a full individualized treatment
    We provide a comfortable, safe, and non-judgmental environment
    Licensed Therapists
    Your treatment will be performed by only licensed therapists
    Practitioners Network
    We will work closely with all your health practitioners
    Experience Staff
    Our therapists are trained and certified in therapy technique
    Wellness Goals
    Setting goals is the best way to enjoy a successful outcome

    Meet the Wellness Team

    Complete Wellness for the Mind, Body and Soul

    Client Testimonials

    Anthony Spiegelberg, RMT
    Registered Massage Therapist

    Having been involved in athletics his entire life and playing soccer competitively, Anthony has had his fair share of sport related injuries. Requiring countless hours of massage as an athlete gave him a great respect for what a Massage Therapist can offer to anyone recovering from an injury. This appreciation for the profession is what inspired him to become a Registered Massage Therapist.

    Anthony is passionate about providing the highest quality of care for everyone he works with. He enjoys educating his clients about their body and how they can speed their recovery and prevent further injuries from happening. He does this by recommending a home care routine consisting of stretching and exercise to compliment the individual goals of each client.

    When Anthony is not in the clinic he spends his time in the gym trying new workouts, playing recreational soccer or enjoying a variety of activities in the beautiful outdoor environment.

    Having been involved in athletics his entire life and playing soccer competitively, Anthony has had his fair share of sport related injuries. Requiring countless hours of massage as an athlete gave him a great respect for what a Massage Therapist can offer to anyone recovering from an injury. This appreciation for the profession is what inspired him to become a Registered Massage Therapist.

    Anthony is passionate about providing the highest quality of care for everyone he works with. He enjoys educating his clients about their body and how they can speed their recovery and prevent further injuries from happening. He does this by recommending a home care routine consisting of stretching and exercise to compliment the individual goals of each client.

    When Anthony is not in the clinic he spends his time in the gym trying new workouts, playing recreational soccer or enjoying a variety of activities in the beautiful outdoor environment.

    Areas of Focus

    Sport related injuries
    Injury prevention
    Motor vehicle accidents
    Chronic pain management


      Completed his Registered Massage Training at Vancouver College of Massage Therapy in 2015

    Booking Information

    Direct Phone Number: 236.997.9494

    Email Address:
    To book an appointment